Ichetucknee Springs

Fed by nine springs, the Ichetucknee River lets visitors experience the natural beauty of its blue-green waterways year-round. Let the gentle current of the bright turquoise river guide you on a relaxing retreat through shaded hammocks and forests of cypress, maple, oak and pine. Discover the splendor of nature from the clear waters below to the wildlife and flora along the shore. See turtles, otters, deer, birds of prey, wading birds, fish and maybe even manatees and beavers.

Rent tubes, rafts, kayaks, stand up paddleboards and canoes within the park or at several options just outside the park. We have used Ichetucknee Tubing Center

Tubing and Paddling Adventures Offered Year-round:

Tube or raft from South Entrance launch points throughout the year. Tram service is available daily 9 am to 4:45 pm. From Memorial Day (May 26) through Labor Day weekend (Sept. 3), tube from the North Entrance.

Two trip experiences are available for those kayaking or canoeing, from two to six hour excursions beginning at the North Entrance.

Swim, snorkel and scuba dive to experience the springs that feed the bright turquoise waters of the Ichetucknee River, including the 40-foot-deep Blue Hole Spring.

For more info check out the Ichetucknee Springs State Park site


Check out this Video of manatees at Ichetucknee!